The Age of Love is a 2014 feature-length documentary film that follows a group of 70- to 90-year-olds who attend a speed dating event looking for new love and companionship. It explores the question -- does the need for intimacy and our search for love change over a lifetime? The film is directed by Steven Loring.
Video The Age of Love (2014 film)
A diverse group of 30 seniors in Rochester, New York participates in an unprecedented speed dating event for people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s. Over the course of one summer, ten single seniors who are widowed, divorced or never married take stock of their emotional needs and desires, endure a rush of encounters, then anxiously receive their results. Then, as they head out on dates that result, these fearlessly candid seniors reveal how worries over issues of romance, physical appearance, and social acceptance endure. Comic and bittersweet, The Age of Love takes a modern look at our booming older population, and tells a story of the universality of love and desire, regardless of age.
Maps The Age of Love (2014 film)
Production notes
The Age of Love was filmed in Rochester, New York and premiered at the Newport Beach International Film Festival on April 27, 2014.
The Age of Love received widespread critical acclaim. The film has been shown across the United States and screened in England, Russia, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Canada and Australia. It won the 2013 Paley Center DocPitch Competition in NYC and was awarded a Fledgling Fund grant to help organize senior speed dating events in communities worldwide.
External links
- Official website
- The Age of Love on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia