Married at First Sight Australia is an Australian reality television series based on the Danish program of the same name. The show is premiered 7:00pm every Sunday and 7:30pm every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the Nine Network. The show features four to eleven couples, matched by three experts, who agree to marry when they first meet. However, unlike other versions of the show around the world, the couples do not partake in a legally binding marriage due to legal restrictions, but instead meet as strangers at the altar of a commitment ceremony. The couples spend their wedding night in a hotel, then leave for a honeymoon. Upon returning they live together for a month, whereafter they choose whether they will continue their relationship.
The first season premiered on 18 May 2015 on the Nine Network. A second season began on 4 April 2016 with the third season premiering later in the same year on 29 August 2016. A fourth season premiered on Monday 30 January 2017. The fifth season premiered on Monday 29 January 2018.
Video Married at First Sight (Australian TV series)
Season overview
Maps Married at First Sight (Australian TV series)
Season 1 (2015)
During the first season, four female contestants were matched with their 'perfect' male partner by a panel of experts. In the first episode, two couples (Michael & Roni, Clare & Lachlan) met and wed. In the second episode, another two couples (Zoe & Alex, Michelle & James) did the same. They all embarked on married life together for the rest of the season. In the fourth episode, all couples meet each other for the first time and discuss their current experiences.
Lachlan & Clare
Lachlan and Clare met and wed in Sydney in the show's first episode. Despite their decision to continue their relationship at the end of the season, Lachlan and Clare revealed they had split but remain good friends. The Nine Network announced on 26 June 2015, that Lachlan would participate in the networks upcoming revival of The Farmer Wants a Wife.
Roni & Michael
Roni and Michael met and wed in Melbourne in the show's first episode. By the fifth episode, Roni and Michael found that their relationship was not working for them and they mutually decided to split.
Zoe & Alex
Zoe and Alex met and wed in Melbourne in the show's second episode. Following the conclusion of the season, Zoe and Alex are the only couple currently still together. In March 2016, Zoe and Alex revealed that they are planning to get married legally. After suffering a miscarriage in June 2015, Zoe and Alex revealed that they were expecting their first child in October 2016. On November 14, 2016, Zoe gave birth to their baby girl named Harper-Rose Garner. On April 17th 2018, Zoe announced via Instagram her and Alex had sadly split up.
James & Michelle
James and Michelle met and wed in Sydney in the show's second episode. In early June 2015, news reports revealed that James and Michelle had split, with Michelle having remarried to a former boyfriend. It was revealed that the two are no longer in contact with each other.
Season 2 (2016)
After airing only one episode, the Nine Network on 19 May 2015, announced that the series had been renewed for a second season which aired on 4 April 2016. During the second season, four female contestants are matched with their 'perfect' male partner by a panel of experts. In the first episode, two couples (Erin & Bryce, Christie & Mark) meet and wed. In the second episode, another two couples (Clare & Jono, Simone & Xavier) do the same. They all embark on married life together for the rest of the series. In the fifth episode, all couples meet each other for the first time and discuss their current experiences.
Erin & Bryce
Erin and Bryce met and wed in Melbourne in the show's first episode. In the final episode, they both decided to stay together. They are the only couple currently still together. Since the show ended Erin has started her own fashion label called Boy Is Mine and is writing a fashion lifestyle blog,
Christie & Mark
Christie and Mark met and wed in Sydney in the show's first episode. In the final episode, they both decided to stay together. On 15 June 2016, they announced that they had split up.
Clare & Jono
Clare and Jono met and wed in Melbourne in the show's second episode and quickly became the season's most controversial couple. By the fifth episode, Clare decided that their relationship was not working as she felt 'uncomfortable' with Jono's constant aggressive outbursts and she decided to end the relationship prior to the couple's dinner. After the show it was revealed by investigative journalist Siobhan Duck of the Herald Sun that Jono Pitman had previously been arrested and charged with assault after a bar brawl and completed a court ordered anger management course. Jono was then matched with Clare Verrall, who had been open about being attacked on the street by a stranger only months prior to filming and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after the incident. A Nine Network spokesperson confirmed they were aware of Jono Pitman's violent history prior to coupling up the pair.
Simone & Xavier
Simone and Xavier met and wed in Sydney in the show's second episode. In the final decision, Simone decided to walk away from the relationship and they are now separated.
Season 3 (2016)
It was announced in February 2016 that show should would return with two seasons, season two & three, there will be a bold casting move this season. This season will be the first to include five couples & is set to include the series' first ever same-sex male couple. During the third season, four female contestants are matched with their 'perfect' male partner & for the first time a male contestant is matched with his 'perfect' male partner by a panel of experts. In the first episode, two couples (Keller & Nicole, Mark & Monica) met and wed. In the second episode, another two couples (Jess & Dave, Bella & Michael) did the same. In the third episode, one more couple (Craig & Andy) were wed. They all embark on married life together for the rest of the series. In the sixth episode, all couples (bar one) meet each other for the first time and discuss their current experiences.
Keller & Nicole
Keller and Nicole met and wed in Brisbane in the show's first episode. In the final episode, they both decided to stay together. Since filming, the couple have called it quits.
Mark & Monica
Mark and Monica met and wed in Sydney in the show's first episode. In the final episode, they decided to stay in the relationship. Since filming, the couple have decided to break up.
Jess & Dave
Jess and Dave met and wed in Sydney in the show's second episode. In the fifth episode, Dave felt their relationship was going nowhere so they broke up.
Bella & Michael
Bella and Michael met and wed in Brisbane in the show's second episode. In the final episode, they both agreed to stay together. Since filming, the couple had decided to split up.
Craig & Andy
Craig and Andy met and wed in New Zealand in the show's third episode. In the fifth episode, Craig decided to walk away from the relationship during the honeymoon, due to a lack of intimacy.
Season 4 (2017)
It was announced on 12 September 2016 the season would return in 2017 with an extended series which saw 10 couples being wed. During the fourth season, 10 female contestants were matched with their 'perfect' male partner by a panel of experts. In the first episode, two couples (Cheryl & Jonathan, Susan & Sean) met and wed in Sydney and Melbourne. In the second episode, another two couples (Scarlett & Michael, Nadia & Anthony) met and wed in Sydney. In the third episode, two more couples (Alene & Simon, Vanessa & Andy) met and wed in Sydney and Melbourne respectively. In the fourth episode, another two couples (Lauren & Andrew, Deborah & John) met and wed in Sydney. In the fifth episode, the final two couples at the same time (Michelle & Jesse, Sharon & Nick) met and wed in Perth.
Jonathan & Cheryl
Despite having a good start, Jonathan and Cheryl began to develop cracks during their honeymoon in New Zealand. These cracks further deepened at the dinner party which resulted in Jonathan exchanging numbers with Scarlett and the duo spent the night texting. At the first commitment ceremony, Cheryl claimed she didn't wish to continue with Jonathan as "he seemed more interested in someone else". The duo called it quits at the commitment ceremony. Jonathan is now dating someone else.
Sean & Susan
Sean and Susan broke up but decided to "stay friends" citing the fact that they lived too far away from one another and Susan could not live on Sean's farm. Since the show ended, Susan has not spoken to Sean and is said to be quite upset with the way the producers portrayed her.
Michael & Scarlett
Things started unraveling for the couple when Michael told Scarlett that he would not move to meet her halfway between their current states due to the fact that he was "established" and he thought that because she was less tied down so she could move to him. From that point they really only saw each other as friends and nothing really was going to happen as Scarlett was not Michael's dream girl. After the first commitment ceremony, the couple decided to go different ways and later that night it came out that Scarlett and Jonathan (Cheryl's husband) had sent text messages to each other for hours the night before.
Nadia & Anthony
As of the last Commitment Ceremony, they decided to stay together and Anthony said that Nadia would have to move in order for him to provide for them both as he was in a "niche market". Nadia turned up to the reunion dinner alone, and when asked where Anthony was she confided that he had dumped her the day after filming had stopped saying that "his feelings weren't progressing"
Simon & Alene
As of the Final Commitment Ceremony before the Final Decision they had both decided to stay and said that they told everyone that they had feelings for each other. They had decided to stay committed to each other after the experiment. They have since separated.
Andy & Vanessa
The Final Commitment Ceremony before the Final Decision they decided to stay, though the fact that they may have to do long distance for a while before they decides what happens may cause contention in the long run. Even though the difference in communication made it hard the couple have decided to stay together after the experiment. Andy and Vanessa broke up because of the difference in communication styles.
Lauren & Andrew
On the wedding night Lauren disappeared leaving Andrew unaware of her whereabouts. After a confrontation meeting, Lauren said she wanted to try again, but Andrew decided that he did not wish to continue the experiment with Lauren. Andrew has since re-entered the experiment with Hair Salon Manager Cheryl. A friend of Lauren's has since done an interview in which she said the reason that Lauren ran away is because when she went out to a club with Andrew he started abusing a bouncer who wouldn't let them in because it was past 1am.
John & Deborah
After meeting and Deborah's initial disappointment that John was not a Polynesian man or someone with culture, John and Deborah seemed to get on each other's nerves because John was simply everything she hated. During the honeymoon in Samoa they ended up sleeping in separate beds, and John removed his wedding ring which caused further tension between them. At the commitment ceremony Deborah wanted to give it another crack and so they ended up staying, but the next day John left the experiment saying "They wouldn't be anything but friends and that's not what he was there for".
Michelle & Jesse
As of the Final Commitment Ceremony they are still together, despite Michelle's doubt on whether she sees Jesse more as a friend than her husband. In their Vow Renewal ceremony, Jesse told Michelle he wants to stay in the relationship but Michelle reveals to him that she wants him in her life forever, but not as her partner, they are now broken up.
Sharon & Nick
As of the Final Commitment Ceremony they have decided to stay, Nick even going so far as to say "That he would go where as long as Sharon was by his side". Although the original plan was for Nick to move to Perth because of Sharon's cleaning business, Nick got news that his father has a medical condition so he is unable to leave his family as they would need his help. They have since broken up. Nick has renewed his membership at the strip club.
Cheryl & Andrew
After Cheryl left the experiment after the Jonathan & Scarlett texting scandal, she spoke to the experts and ask if they could set up a date between Andrew and herself. They went on two dates before they deciding that they would re-enter the experiment together as an unmarried couple, this caused controversy around the table at the dinner party as she was at the dinner the week prior with Jonathan. Even though the couple originally had some sparks, they were thrown into the deep end of the experiment having to jump right into the home stays, tensions started to rise when Andrew met Cheryl's abrasive father for the first time and it didn't go well, Andrew feeling like Cheryl didn't have his back enough against her bullying dad. Andrew chose to leave while Cheryl chose to stay to see if the relationship could be salvaged.
When the couples all had a family get together the couple was put into an intense boot camp to see if John the expert could overhaul the bond that they had. They decided to give it another go, but when the boys and girls night came about Andrew spent most of the night bagging out and putting down Cheryl even going as far to say that his runaway bride, Lauren, "was way more fun". Some of the boys took offense to this, namely Sean and Simon, and even silently Andy. Sean and Susan told Cheryl about it the next day but when Cheryl confronted Andrew about it he got snarky and condescending even going so far to start mimicking Cheryl. Andrew and Cheryl chose to leave the experiment at the Final Commitment Ceremony after the video of the boys night was aired to the girls.
Season 5 (2018)
In February 2017, the season was renewed for a fifth season which aired on January 29, 2018. On 11 October 2017, the fifth season was officially confirmed at Nine's upfronts and again will include 11 couples like the previous season. During the fifth season, 11 female contestants are matched with their 'perfect' male partner by a panel of experts. In the first episode, the first two couples (Tracey & Dean, Sarah & Telv) met and wed in Sydney and Melbourne. In the second episode, another two couples (Jo & Sean, Alycia & Mat) met and wed in Sydney and Melbourne. In the third episode, two more couples (Davina & Ryan, Charlene & Patrick) met and wed in Warrawong and Melbourne. In the fifth episode, two more couples (Ashley & Troy, Melissa & John) met and wed in Gold Coast and Melbourne. In the sixth episode, another two couples (Gabrielle & Nasser, Carly & Justin) met and wed in Sydney. In the seventh episode, the final couple (Blair & Sean) met and wed in Sydney.
Sarah & Telv
As of the fifth commitment ceremony they were still together but are now separated.
Dean & Tracey
In the first commitment ceremony, Dean chose to leave (which blindsided Tracey), while Tracey decided to stay, meaning that they had to stay another week. When they had a second week he stepped up, but at the same time he started a secret flirtationship with Davina. At the dinner party, Dean hooked up with Davina, and at the end of the night Dean and Tracey decided to be intimate. Dean confessed that he had a thing with Davina and that he wanted to make it work with Tracey. As of the fifth commitment ceremony, they are still together. When it came to the vow renewal, Dean said yes and said that he was falling in love with Tracey, but a bomb was dropped when Tracey said that she could not get past the betrayal and hurt at the first two weeks of the experiment. She ultimately said no, leaving Dean gobsmacked at the 'altar'.
Mat & Alycia
They have left the experiment between the first and second commitment ceremonies.
Jo & Sean D
Jo and Sean met in the second episode of the weddings and from the start, Sean wasn't very interested. When the first commitment ceremony came about Jo decided to stay while Sean decided to leave so they had to stay. Even though Jo tried Sean had no communication. As of the second commitment, they have both decided to leave.
Davina & Ryan
Between the first and second commitment ceremonies, Davina started a secret flirtationship with Dean. At the dinner party, Davina hooked up with Dean, leading her to write leave at the second commitment ceremony. Ryan had written stay, so the couple had to stay another week. As of the third commitment ceremony Davina and Ryan have called it quits after the shock of Davina's cheating scandal.
Charlene & Patrick
At their final decision they stated that they would stay together and are still currently together to common knowledge. In March 2018, the couple announced they had split up.
Melissa & John
As of the fifth commitment ceremony they are still in the experiment. At the Dinner Party, Melissa had to leave early due to her daughter being in labour, and as of the Commitment Ceremony there was still no baby so John was flying solo. From the fifth commitment ceremony they were still together and Melissa's daughter had welcomed a baby into the world.
Troy & Ashley
As of the fifth commitment ceremony they are still in the experiment. However at the altar both Ashley and Troy said the relationship wasn't working out.
Gabrielle & Nasser
As of the third commitment ceremony, Gabrielle decided to leave due to a lack of intimacy past the friend stage. Nasser decided to stay, and they came to an impasse at the end meaning that Nasser had a week to turn around. On the wife homestay, Gabrielle rented a apartment so that she wouldn't bring a strange man around her daughter. On the first night the bed broke and Nasser wanted to leave, but he stayed until they got into an argument and he left refusing to meet Gabrielle's friends who were on their way over for drinks and a chat. They finally left in the fifth ceremony, they were at peace with everything that went on
Justin & Carly
As of the second commitment ceremony Carly decided to leave where as Justin decided to stay, so they have to stay for another week. As of the third commitment ceremony, they have decided to stay even though they only spent three days at the homestay. After the blow up at the dinner party, Carly got fed up with Justin's lack of trying. They have decided to split up. A few weeks after the experiment she entered a relationship with Troy who originally married Ashley.
Sean T & Blair
They both choose to stay at the second commitment ceremony, but during the grooms home-stay, Sean revealed he had no feelings for Blair. He chose to leave at the third commitment ceremony, while Blair wanted to stay. Although obligated to work it out over the next week, Sean refused to go on Blair's home stay, essentially ending their relationship. Sean is now in a relationship with Tracey who was in the experiment with Dean.
Season 6 (2019)
Season ratings
Season 1 (2015)
Season 2 (2016)
Season 3 (2016)
Season 4 (2017)
Season 5 (2018)
Season 6 (2019)
Controversy and legality
Before the first season went to air, an online petition calling for the series to be axed attracted over 15,000 signatures.
There was also criticism that, unlike the original Danish series, such marriages would not be legal under Australian law. Channel 9 admitted that participants would not actually marry. A spokesman said "In order to comply with the Australian Marriage Act (1961) which requires one month and one day notification, a marriage in law was not conducted. Each participant embarked on a commitment ceremony with a wedding celebrant with all due intention to commit fully to this union for the duration of the experiment. At the end of the experiment, they are given the option to continue with the relationship or go their separate ways".
Second season participant Simone Lee Brennan described the program as "never [being] portrayed to its full authenticity," suggesting the man she had been paired with, Xavier Forsberg, had been recruited by producers and was seeking a sports-presenting role, rather than an applicant also looking for a relationship.
External links
- Official Website
Source of article : Wikipedia